“Age of Mythology,” a classic real-time strategy game developed by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft, takes players on an epic journey through various mythologies, offering the chance to summon legendary gods, heroes, and creatures. While conquering the ancient world is no easy feat, players have discovered a range of Age of Mythology cheats to add an extra layer of fun and intrigue to their gameplay.
The Cheating Culture
Gaming has always had a curious relationship with cheats. On one hand, they can undermine the challenge and achievement of completing a game. On the other hand, they can be a source of endless entertainment and experimentation. “Age of Mythology” is no exception to this dichotomy.
Age of Mythology Cheats List
The world of “Age of Mythology” is rich with epic tales and divine beings. To access cheats in the game, press Enter during gameplay to open the chat box. Then, type in the desired cheat code and press Enter again to activate it. These cheats can provide everything from additional resources to divine intervention, offering players a range of options to shape their game.
- ATM OF EREBUS – Grants you 1000 gold.
- TROJAN HORSE FOR SALE – Grants you 1000 wood.
- JUNK FOOD NIGHT – Grants you 1000 food.
- MOUNT OLYMPUS – Grants you a full army of Titans (works once per game).
- DIVINE INTERVENTION – Allows you to use a minor god power.
- CHANNEL SURFING – Skips to the next scenario in the campaign.
- L33T SUPA H4X0R – Faster gameplay.
- MR. MONDAY – Adds 100 of all resources and maxes population limit.
- RED TIDE – Turns water into blood.
- PANDORAS BOX – Gives you several random god powers.
- THRILL OF VICTORY – Win the game.
- O CANADA – Grants you a Lazer Bear.
- SET ASCENDANT – Turns all animals into the “King” versions.
- ISIS HEAR MY PLEA – Grants you the heroes from the campaign.
- I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!1! – Spawns a lot of monkeys.
The Quirkier Side of Cheats
While some cheats in “Age of Mythology” serve practical purposes, others are there just for the fun of it. For example, typing O CANADA results in a Lazer Bear, adding a quirky and unexpected element to the game. And if you feel like unleashing an army of monkeys, type I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!1!
The Ethical Dilemma
Using cheats in any game, including “Age of Mythology,” is a personal choice. They can offer a quick and playful diversion, help with a particularly challenging level, or add a comedic twist to the gameplay. However, relying on cheats too heavily may detract from the sense of accomplishment that comes from conquering the game through skill and strategy.
Conclusion on Age of Mythology Cheats
Age of Mythology cheats open a Pandora’s box of possibilities for players. Whether you seek to amass vast wealth, invoke the power of the gods, or just summon a legion of monkeys for the sheer delight of it, these cheats offer a different dimension to the game. Ultimately, how you use them is a matter of personal preference. Just remember, the magic of the game often lies in the journey, whether that journey is filled with challenge, strategy, or a few playful cheats along the way.