Naruto Shippuden, the sequel to the beloved Naruto series, is an anime adventure that has captured the hearts of fans worldwide. However, like many long-running anime series, Naruto Shippuden includes episodes that deviate from the main plot, often referred to as “filler” episodes. In this guide, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive Naruto Shippuden filler list to help you navigate through the series without missing key plot points.
Naruto Shippuden Filler List:
Episode Number | Title | Type |
057-071 | “The Six-Tailed Demon Slug” arc | Filler |
091-112 | “Three-Tails’ Appearance” arc | Filler |
144-151 | “Tsuchigumo Kinjutsu” arc | Filler |
170-171 | “Invasion of Pain” arc | Canon |
176-196 | “Konoha History” arc | Filler |
222-242 | “Adventures at Sea” arc | Filler |
257-260 | “Fourth Great Ninja War” (Part 1) arc | Canon |
271 | “Road to Sakura” | Filler |
279-281 | “Fourth Great Ninja War” (Part 2) arc | Canon |
284-289 | “Power” arc | Filler |
290-295 | “Chikara” arc | Filler |
303-320 | “Fourth Great Ninja War” (Part 2) arc | Canon |
349-361 | “Kakashi’s Anbu Arc: The Shinobi That Lives in the Shadows” | Filler |
Understanding Filler Episodes:
Filler Episodes (Type: Filler):
- Filler episodes are deviations from the original manga storyline. While they may not contribute directly to the main plot, some fans appreciate them for character development and additional adventures.
Canon Episodes (Type: Canon):
- Canon episodes adhere closely to the original manga source material and are essential for understanding the main storyline.
How to Approach Fillers:
- Personal Preference:
- Some fans enjoy filler episodes for the extra content and character development. If you have the time and curiosity, consider watching them.
- Main Plot Focus:
- If you prefer to stick to the main storyline, you can skip fillers without significantly impacting your understanding of the overarching narrative.
- Use Filler Lists:
- Filler lists, like the one provided above, can guide you through the series, helping you decide which episodes to include in your viewing experience.
Navigating Naruto Shippuden is a thrilling adventure, and understanding how to approach filler episodes can enhance your viewing experience. Whether you choose to embrace the additional stories or focus solely on the main plot, this comprehensive filler list aims to be your guide through the shinobi world of Naruto Shippuden. Happy watching!